About Our Testosterone, free and total


Testosterone is the main hormone for fertility and sperm development in people with penises. It is also important for puberty development of voice changes, muscle development, and hair growth in males. In people with ovaries, testosterone plays a role in general growth and muscle development, and the development of reproductive tissue. This testosterone test is helpful to pinpoint health issues related to the hormone and monitor ongoing conditions as well as hormone replacement therapy.

Test Contents

Testosterone, Total, MS and Testosterone, Free (Dialysis)


Symptom Description

Irregular or absence of periods

Changes to hair growth patterns

Voice deepening

Excess skin oil production or acne

Enlarged clitoris

Abnormal puberty onset

Erectile dysfunction

Fertility issues


Low libido (sex drive)

Also testing can be done to monitor hormone replacement therapy in transgender persons

When To Check

Aid in the determination of testosterone deficiency or excess deficiency Experiencing a condition that may affect hormone levels Monitor health over time to ensure healthy testosterone levels

How to test

Order Your Test

Choose the test you want to take to know your body better. Then, order your tests online.

Visit A Local Lab

With 2000+ locations, you’ll find a lab near you, easy. Bring your order number to the lab and get tested.

Get Your Result

Download your results from your secure online portal.

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When To Check
